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My Story in Florisol

My name is Teresa de Jesus Valencia Quishpe I was born on January 5, 1957 in the city of Quito I am the first of 7 brothers. When I joined Florisol I was one of the first people who worked in the company, I remember with great joy when I came for my interview with Mr. Dávalos, November 19, 1984 when I was 28 years old. He offered to pay us more than what we earned working in agriculture, with food and transportation benefits. When I entered Florisol my life changed in many ways, my economic situation improved and here I met my husband José Morales, with whom I am currently retiring. When I started working at the company, it was very hard because before entering the flower industry, I worked on an avocado and strawberry garden which was a lot easier. At first at Florisol there was only a small greenhouse, we did all the work from lowering the pambiles of the trucks, preparing the beds and watering the fertilizer until it is ready to plant.

The production continued to increase and we continued to knock down the garden to continue building more greenhouses and increase the flower production. In the course of time there were some mishaps that lead us to not having good results, so Mr. Dávalos went out of the country lo learn about new solutions, resulting in what we are nowadays. I am very grateful to Mr. Dávalos since he is a kind and generous person, when we were in needs he was there to help us, he never denied us anything. I am proud to have worked in Florisol, I gave my best because I felt as if it was my own business, for which I would give my life if it was necessary. Thanks Mr. Dávalos for giving the opportunity to provide education to my three daughters, be able build my house and have everything I have today. Now I have been happily retired for 3 years, spending my time with my husband, my daughters and my grandchildren.

I am very grateful to the Architect since he is a kind and generous person, when we had needs he was there to help us, he gave us loans without any interest and easy payment, he never denied us anything.

I am proud to have worked in Florisol, I gave my best because I felt as if it was my own company, for which I would give my life if it was necessary, since it always helped me. Thanks God for my like, my health and Mr. Davalos, I could provide education to my three daughters, build my house and have everything I have today.

Now I have been happily retired for 3 years, I spend my time with my husband, my daughters and my grandchildren.


My name is Jose Morales I was born on March 19, 1962 in the Parish of Atahualpa. Before working at Florisol, I worked with my father, until one day the caretaker of the farm told us Florisol had been created as a company and they were seeking for workers. I started working at Florisol on July 16, 1984. At the beginning we were only 10 men, first we built the reservoir and after that we began to knock down the avocado garden to make the greenhouses, we were expanding the greenhouses and the ladies scraped the herbs and were removing the logs. Mr. Dávalos was the President and Manager. We worked on expanding the production; each week we increased a module, until we already planted 15 production modules. We also continued to increase the mother bed and the rooting, we started to build the second greenhouse and we continued to knock down the garden.

As the time passed, the company grew, production increased and they continued hiring more workers from both areas; Minas and Chavezpamba. When we first arrived, we walked to work from Chavezpamba, after a month Mr. Dávalos found a car to bring us to the plantation.

I also remember that after four years working at the company, they too us to Manta, a beautiful beach, where we shared time with Mr. Dávalos, his wife and Mrs. Verónica Montufar.

It was an unforgettable trip and every year. After that, they took us to a trip every year to celebrate Christmas with our children. When the company turned 25 years old, they took us to celebrate flowers in the fair Expo Flowers in Ecuador, together with the other Administrative stuff. The ambassadors of some countries gave us a plaque, it was a very beautiful event that we will never forget with my wife. In another occasion they took us to a farm to share a lunch with all of us who started the company together with the Administrative stuff.

Everything I have now is thanks to God, my efforts and Mr. Dávalos who opened the doors for us, until I retired two years ago.